Jason has been extremely tired and sleeps 16-22 hours a day. I am not sure if it is the aftermath of the radiation treatments, normal healing, or a combination of everything. He hasn't eaten much in the last 24 hours and the Cellect that he took tonight with his vitamins made him throw up. I am guessing it was because he hadn't eaten anything. Hopefully he is feeling better tomorrow.
This week has been really hard. Monday I went to work and was crying at my desk talking to my friend because I am just having a hard time dealing with everything. I really am trying to hold it together but this new reality of working, taking & picking up Makaylin everyday, getting home late and then trying to find time for the kids is really exhausting. If it wasn't for my brother being here since I returned to work I would be a bigger mess than I am. Thanks Jes ♥
I got a message from CTCA that they are trying to schedule Jason's surgery to replace his skull flap on 9/14. Jason will need to have a CT scan that will allow them to make him a custom skull flap. I have concerns about them replacing it with anything other than his real skull, but his surgeon said that once it is removed it is dead anyway.
We found a company that offers free flights for cancer patients. It is called Corporate Angels (thanks Bonnie). We have to register with them 3 weeks before we need to fly out so hopefully CTCA will let me know by the end of this week.
I have left his surgeon 2 messages asking for more details about his MRI, the skull flap and the possibility of swelling causing complications....I have not received a call back yet. It is hard to be patient during this time in our lives.
Thanks to all the wonderful people that have helped us and continue to help us! I don't wish this upon any of you but I hope you know that if you ever needed us we would be there for you as you have been here for us.
I have learned how precious life is and how most people take it for granted, including me. I would encourage all of you to make sure that you tell the people that you love you love them and enjoy the simple things in life. Don't put off something you want to do because you think you can't do it. The week before Jason starting experiencing headaches we had talked about going down to the Great Cat Worlds Park. We were both on vacation for a week. We talked about it and realized it how much it cost to go and decided against it, as we were saving for our wedding that was planned for 6/20/13. I can't tell you how much I regret not going.
I also realize that we are not the only ones that are being faced with a life threatening illness. I have been reading other people's stories on indiegogo and I am so heartbroken. I have read many stories but one story broke my heart into pieces. Tammara is pregnant with her first baby, Annabella Rose. She recently found out her daughter has Ectopa Cordi, which means her heart has developed outside of her chest cavity. Not only that but her liver has done the same. Her baby has a 0% chance of survival. I reached out to her through FB and let her know how sorry I was for what she was going through. I can't even imagine. I wish things didn't have to be this way for us.....as I wish things didn't have to be the way they are for an innocent baby. I try to find the reason's for these things but it is so hard.
Again, thank you for your continued support. I am afraid our journey will be long but will be a journey worth while especially when the day comes that we can say that the MRI shows no more cancer and Jason is back doing the things he loves to do.
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