Donte Now

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Tonight Jason and I walked around the hospital and I showed him the first ICU he was in, the elevator the EMT took him in to get there, the phone we used to call to get in, the waiting room where all of you waited. I showed him the red elevators we took to get to the 3rd floor, and the window that I sat and stared out of. He said he was really happy that I showed him because he does not remember anything about that unit. We were not able to actually go into the room but we peaked through the double doors and I pointed out room # 2 where he was for the first few days.

I took down all the cards, pictures and letters that were posted on the wall. I cant wait to get in our car tomorrow to head home. I will need to make several trips to get all of our stuff to the car. Jason said thank you for all of the gifts and cards!!!!

We have had a bunch of wonderful nurses (some not so much) but I believe we have over stayed our welcome! I am grateful for all the people here that have helped take care of Jason.

His journey to recovery is not over. Please continue to pray for him to come out of this stronger than ever.

MANY wonderful friends and family have come to visit us during the last 2 weeks and I can not say enough how much we appreciate seeing you. It is so heart warming to be loved by you all. We could not ask for better people to have in our lives. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LOVING US AND CARING ABOUT OUR SITUATION.

We could not have gotten this far with out ALL of you!!!

If I did not mention you, please know that we appreciate each and everyone of you.....we tried our best to remember everything.

*My mom and Todd for watching Lyric and Makaylin for the last two weeks as well as taking care of Lucky and our house

*Erin & Greg, Rhonda & Kevin for helping my mom with the kids

*Our kids for being so good for Grandma and Grandpa

*Bonnie & Jerry for taking Jason to the hospital

*Jesse for helping me with my house and kids when Jason was not feeling well

*Angel for trying to help Jason when he was in pain

*Everyone who was here the first night Jason was admitted and allowing me to cry on your shoulder

*My mom for his knowledge about nutrition and supplements

*Tasha, Tamara L, Don & Katrina, Erin E, Dan & Sabrina, G-Ma, Debbie & Tamara C., Danielle, Gary & Carla, Bonnie & Jerry and Suzanne for bringing us healthy food so that we didnt have to choke down the hospital food!! (sorry if I forgot anyone!)

*Aub for staying at the hospital the first 2 nights watching over his baby brother and keeping me company

*Rhonda for staying at the hospital with me until 3 am to make sure I had someone to talk to and comfort me while I was waiting for Jason's 2nd surgery to be over.

*Tasha for making sure our kiddos still made it to Brennan's b-day party

*Adam for mowing our lawn, you are the best neighbor ever

*Friends who brought Jason a coke when he desperately wanted one

*Sara for the apple pie

*Adam and April for bringing up the Emu Oil

*Co-Workers at both are jobs who sent us flowers

*Everyone who sent us cards

*Debbie and Tamara for the flowers

*Everyone for the prayers

*Everyone who came to visit

*Everyone who posted a message to brighten our spirits

*Family who has offered to have us stay at their house while Jason is going through treatment

*EVERYONE who has donated to the Jason Wilson Benefit Donation Account

*Suzanne for ordering the bracelets and setting up the meal website

*DeAnna and Tamara for setting up the donation account

*DeAnna for setting up and the we love jason group page on FB

*Jerry and Bonnie for helping with a donation golf tournament and account

*Gary and Carla for setting up a dinner donation night

*Erin and Danielle for the laptop

*Jason's co-workers for passing around a donation box

*Everyone who has made us laugh and smile even during this incredibly difficult time

*Royce and Jerry for buying me food at the hospital

*Don & Katrina, Ryan, Dustin & Karissa, Steve & Heidi, Geoff & Crystal for bringing Jason DVD's, magazines, pictures, food & candy

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