I am sending an update because I know news travels fast and I am sure you are all worried....on Monday Jason fell into the door and wall in our bedroom after getting out of bed. He hit is head and fell. I was standing pretty close to him and caught him part way down and laid him on the ground. He did not have his helmet on. He immediately told me he was fine, but I made him lay there for a minute. I was really shaken up since I did not know what happened exactly. I called his neurosurgeons office, a physicians assistant called me back. I told him what had happened and he said that I should "watch him". Over the next 24 hours Jason became very weak, could barely walk on his own and even slid of the couch from a sitting position . I noticed that his head seemed to be swelling. As we prepared for our flight to Oklahoma my mom was at our house and noticed that Jason was losing color as well. She called CTCA and spoke with Donna who told us we needed to take him in to get checked out prior to flying. We took him to the ER in Oregon City. They did a CT scan and found that he is bleeding and that his tumor has doubled in size. We were then told there was nothing else that they could do for us except call hospice. I was so angry - this is someones life we are talking about and you are telling us there is nothing you could do! Well little do they know.....we are fighters and we do not give up. We believe that God has a plan for Jason and whatever that plan is it does not involve us quitting. Jason has such an amazing strength about him that even though he was told he is going to dye HE BELIEVES that he will live! I am so blessed to know such an amazing, strong and loving person.
Bonnie, Jerry, Jesse and I were all at the ER with Jason. We all decided that we just wanted to go home and not involve hospice, to not give up. I immediately call Chelsea's Sanctuary where we had went the day before and asked Liz if they could help with getting us a light. Scott was out our house within a couple of hours setting it up and praying with us! They are some of the wonderful people we have ever met. We just met them the day before and here is was out our house, helping us and praying for Jason! Not to mention, it is a 45 minute drive from Chelsea's Sanctuary to our house!
During this time I was on the phone with Donna from CTCA. She asked if I could have Jason's scans faxed over so that she could have their surgeon review them. Once they had the scans the surgeon, Clinton Baird, reviewed the scans and called me to discuss plans for Jason. He said that Jason's head had fluid and confirmed the bleeding. He also said that he needs to have an MRI, but believes that he can remove 80% of his tumor and wants to get rid of the fluid to help with swelling. He gave us so much hope that he could help Jason! I even called him back so that my mom could ask him more questions.
Jason was very weak and had thrown up 3 times. He was extremely cold and running a fever of 100.8.
We talked to Jason about what he wanted. Of course it is a VERY hard decision. There is a risk in staying and risk in leaving. He decided that he wanted to travel to Tulsa. They arranged for a medical flight and picked us up at our house in an ambulance. Because we were flying on a medical flight they took us straight to the airplane. It was a small plan - only Jason and I, two medical staff, and two pilots. We got to Tulsa at about 1:45 am.
We are now in the Special Care Unit at CTCA. Everyone here has been wonderful. We are waiting for the surgeon to come in to talk to us before Jason's surgery. PLEASE PRAY FOR JASON!!! We just said a prayer and we remain hopeful that he WILL come out of this stronger than ever.
I will try to keep updated as I can. We love you all!
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