Donte Now

Friday, May 25, 2012

Preparing for his appointments at Knight Cancer Institute and Cancer Centers of America

Preparing for his appointments at Knight Cancer Institute and Cancer Centers of America

1. What treatments do you recommend for a GBM?
2. Why do you recommend that type of treatment?
3. How often would that treatment take place? 
4. Will treatment be limited to the brain? (treatment should be)
5. Do you combine alternative treatment with conventional?
a. B17 injections?
b. High dose Vitamin C IV’s
c. GB 4000 M.O.P.A?
d. Other immuno-stimulating nutrients?
6. What alternative treatments do you recommend?
7. What is the success rate of the treatment you are recommending?
8. Does the treatment you are recommending target the center of the tumor (that is where the cells are proliferating – in other words spreading quickly)
9. Because the brain is immunologically isolated how do the treatments you are recommending effectively treat the tumor? (the blood: brain barrier only allows suger, oxygen and fat to get by)
10. Does the treatment affect each and every tumor cell?
11. Does it kill all cell types within the tumor?
12. Does the treatment spare the remaining normal brain?
13. Does the treatment you are recommending treat the whole brain? (it should)
14. Does the treatment increase mutations of the abnormal cells?
15. Can the radiation affect other parts of his body?
16. Can radiation cause brain damage or cause other types of cancer?
17. Does the treatment you are recommending compromise the immune system? And in what way?
18. Are there other risks or side effects associated with the treatment?
19. What are complications we should watch for?
20. Are there any medications or supplements that he should avoid or discontinue?
21. How do you measure Jason’s progress?
22. How often is his progress measured?
23. How do you determine the tumor’s growth dynamics and do you adjust treatments to how the tumor is responding? (Growth fraction, cell cycle time, cell loss, doubling time)
24. What is the probability of the tumor cells traveling beyond the brain?
25. We read that tumors involve the whole brain and that even though they seem to grow locally, tumor cells travel around the brain and are always found beyond the tumor margins, even on the opposite side of the brain. Do you or will you be checking to see if this is the case with Jason?
26. We read that brain tumors are not cancers, how was it determined that his tumor is cancerous? 
27. Jason often states that he is very cold, what is causing that?
28. We are already seeing improvements in his cognitive and motor functions as well personality traits, do you commonly see these types of improvements? 
29. Why is Jason experiencing pain at sacrum, gluteal orgin? Could the cancer have spread there? We would like to request an MRI.


Alkalizing Protocol:

1. 80% raw foods and 20% cooked foods, nutrient dense diet

2. Limiting and avoiding acid forming foods

3. Drinking Kangen Water 

4. Calcium and Potassium

5. Green Drinks

High Good Fat Intake – For Cognitive Improvement and Brain Health

1. Raw nuts and seeds
2. Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Etc
3. EFA Supplements
4. Phosphatidyl Serine
Immune Stimulating Supplements
1. Beta Glucan 1,3 
2. IP6 and Inositol
3. Pancreatin
4. CoQ10
5. N-Acetyl Cysteine
6. Green Tea
Digestive Support
1. Advanced Enzymes
2. Pancreatin – (also anti-cancer)

1. Quercetin
2. Bromelain
3. MSM
4. EFA’s
5. Tumeric
1. Essential Oils – Frankencense, Geranium, Lavendar
2. Dry Brushing
3. Trace Minerals

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