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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yard Sale

Yard sale this weekend at our house proceeds are for JASON'S ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS -You know, the really good stuff he needs that insurance doesn't cover!!!. We have had a lot of really great things donated to us for the sale! Thank you everyone you are wonderful! 

Address is 17639 SE Paradise Dr Milwaukie 97267

Planning on Saturday and Sunday from 9-4 (depending on weather of course)

We plan on having a fill a bag deal on certain items!

Come check it out, say hi and help a great cause!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 radiation treatments completed

Jason has completed 3 radiation treatments. At the first one I almost cried because they have to put this mask on him that covers his whole head except for his nose. It is straped down to the table so he can't move. It reminds me of a spiderman mask. They have to do this so that the radiation hits the same place everyday. 

It was really hard for me to see him having to go through that. He lays on a very narrow table and they strap his arms and body on to the table. He asked for them to do this because the table is so narrow there is no where to rest his arms and his left arm being weak, was hard to hold up. 

The radiation he is receiving is like getting 1,000,000 x-rays at one time. It is all supposed to go to the tumor, but I think we all know better. The door says it all. It is about 3 feet wide....and he is in the room with nothing but a mask on. I am really worried about the effects it has on the rest of his body.

He said that he felt a little nauseous after the first two but did not today.

We reviewed his MRI's yesterday and his tumor has grown. The exact size after surgery is unknown but I can even tell it has grown. Size is 1.6x1.8x1.5.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Tomorrow is Jason's first radiation appointment. I have to admit.......I am really scared and so is he. We struggle with this decision because we know how terrible radiation is for ones body but on the other hand we are dealing with an agressive cancer and it needs agressive treatment.....whether this is the right thing to do or not is unknown.

I stay up really late mosst nights researching and researching only to come across things that are screaming at us to NOT do the radiation. But I always leave the decision up to Jason. He does not want to do it but is going forward with it because he is hopeful that it will at best slow the tumor down long enough for the other alternative treatments to have time to take effect.

Here is a some very interesting information about radiation and other treatments. If you have the time I would encourage you to read the whole document if not here is the first two paragraphs. Information obtained from

Let us take a look at the results and benefits of the so-called cures obtained through surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.


The rationale behind X-ray therapy is the same as with surgery. The objective is to remove the tumor, but to do so by burning it away rather than cutting it out. Here, also, it is primarily the non-cancer cell that is destroyed. The more malignant the tumor, the more resistant it is to radio therapy. If this were not so, then X-ray therapy would have a high degree of success—which, of course, it does not.

If the average tumor is composed of both cancer and non-cancer cells, and if radiation is more destructive to non-cancer cells than to cancer cells, then it would be logical to expect the results to be a reduction of tumor size, but also an increase in the percentage of malignancy. This is, in fact, exactly what happens.


Would you be interested in donating items to our garage sale?

We are planning on having a garage sale next weekend to help raise money to pay for the Cellect that Jason is taking and - The cost is $80 per container and Jason needs 14 containers per month - total cost is $1120 per month. We have researched and found that this product is crucial in Jason's beating brain cancer!!

We have spoken to Jen Nash-Kasuga who was diagnosed with a stage 3 brain cancer, she tried several different therapies but nothing worked until she started taking Cellect!!! She is has been battling brain cancer for 10 years and is cancer free!!! To learn more about her story you can visit and her MRI's can be viewed at

If you are interested in donating items to our sale please comment/message/text/email/call - whatever works for you! We just appreciate your help!

We also are in need of tables for our sale. If you have any that you are willing to let us borrow please let us know.

Thank you all for your love and support! Today I told Jason that I don't know what I will do when they tell us someday that his MRI is clear and that there are no tumors.....will I cry??? will I scream out of excitement???.....All I know is that I can't wait for that day to come....

Stupid cancer

Saw this and had to post it "Stupid cancer....Some of us want a new house...a new car....a new cell lose weight...but someone battling cancer wants just one win the battle"

This week has been incredibly hard on our family. Normal life stuff like kids, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, and balancing life in general is not an easy task as I am sure anyone can agree. Now, add in the stress of dealing with cancer, remembering to take medications and vitamins, eating healthy which requires a lot of planning, appointments, a million pieces of paper and documents that everyone needs, phone calls for hours, income loss, and not being able to spend time as a family because we are so busy with all the other "stuff".

I feel like we have tried to be so strong through out all of this but the reality of what is going on is finally hitting us hard. The other night we sat down to talk. I was crying and really upset about how me being stressed out was affecting him. He reminded me that we will get through this like we have with everything else we have been through. He really has a wonderful spirit and attitude. When we were in Tulsa and Jason was having his surgery our family was concerned about me being alone and I told them I wasn't alone, I had Jason with me. Jason's strength and courage is what is helping me get through this....I don't think I could do it with out him and he reminds me that he could not get through this without me ♥

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Win a Quilt!

We are having a drawing to win this Quilt, 100% money raised goes to Jason & Nicole.  The winner will be drawn by Jason and announced on August 31st.   The last day for your donations to get in the drawing is August 15th.  This is a beautiful green Crazy Scrap Quilt, its standard size (75x80).  

You want to win it?  Here is what you need to do:  For every $10 you donate on this site you get your name in the drawing once.  Please remember to put in the notes section when donating "Quilt".  If you would like to mail a check please email to get the address to mail it to.

Back in Oregon!

Jason had an MRI yesterday and an appointment today with the radiation oncologist. His tumor is about 1cm. I am unsure what the size was right after his last sugery. I am hoping to find that out so we know if it has grown at all. He starts radiation next Tuesday. The radiation is Rapid Arc. I went in with him for his MRI and I have to say that machine is the loudest thing ever, and they make him lay perfectly still for a really long time. I can't believe he has had to go through that multiple times. Apparently it wasn't the smartest thing for me to do but since they let me I wanted to be there for him. 

His helmet it really bothering him where is incision is. I feel so bad for him because I know how much it must be hurting him. It is right where his skull was cut and it rubs on it. I am going to see what I can find out about getting him a new helmet or something to alleviate his discomfort.

I found out yesterday that my work will not allow me to work from home as I had hoped they would. I completely broke down......I really was hoping that this would an option for me because I am really worried about leaving Jason home by himself due to the possiblity of him having a seizure. What if that happens and no one is here.....I wish I didnt have to work and I could just focus on taking care of him. The reason they said I couldn't work from home was because I would be too much like a care giver. I think that is completely unfair. I had a letter from a doctor recommending I work from home and it specifically stated that I would not be a caregiver and that he was capable for caring for himself. In the coming weeks Jason will grow stronger and will not need my help as much but I do not feel like it is the best idea for him to be here alone. It is not like he broke his leg. I am supposed to return to work next month. Praying by then that there are big miracles that happen.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ice Cream!

Jason got his staples out today and had ice cream!!!! He kept saying "it was so good!" He hasn't had any "sugar" for about a month so this was a treat! It is good for him to have some cheat days but we have to be careful how many of them he gets. We stopped for ice cream after going on a tour of Tulsa with other cancer patients and families. The highest point in Tulsa is called Turkey Mountain and it is hardly a mountain! It should be called Turkey Hill! It is so flat here. It is also against the law for anyone to go swimming in or walking across the Arkansas River. I thought that was odd until I found out that there is quick sand. Certainly don't want to mess with that. Also the walking across part is because there is hardly any water in parts of the river because of the dam. We saw a beautiful statue and some amazing churches. I will post some pictures. Jason had a great time but I think the highlight for him was hands down, the ice cream!

Today was the first day that he did not take a nap during the day since his last surgery. He also was walking more and hardly spent any time his wheel chair. He is making great progress when it comes to strength and energy!

We are so excited to be coming home and see everyone! We will be busy with appointments almost everyday so please call or text us so we can figure out the best time for you to come by and visit. Jason will be having his radiation treatments at OSHU. In order to alleviate him being overwhelmed I will be making a schedule each night with him of the next day's appointments, activities and visitors.
Jay dub enjoying his first taste of ice cream in awhile

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Out and about in Tulsa

Went out for a walk at the Riverwalk - Listening to some live music =)
New haircuts, live music, its all okkey down here!!!!!!!

Went to the Tulsa Zoo - Animals made Jason feel better =) We had a good time!

Possibly heading home!

We are trying to come home earlier than we originally expected. I am waiting for a call back from OHSU to confirm but it sounds like they have the Tomotherapy there as well. I think Jason has received great care here but he is ready to be a home.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


We want to thank our family and friends for taking care of our home and children while we are gone! We miss our kiddos so much. Also thank you to everyone who has sent us a card or a care package since we have been here! You have no idea how much it means to us. We have a great picture that Makaylin drew for us, a wonderful banner from Randy that says Love You Jason with a bunch of pictures, not to mention a bunch of wonderful cards with positive thoughts! I have taped the cards and pictures up in the room so we can see them all the time!!! It is a great reminder that you are all thinking of us!

Today, Jason walked pretty far on his own holding on to the wheel chair and partially without. He still is having a lot of trouble with his left hand and most of the time doesn't realize where his hand is. He is improving though and we are grateful that he is not paralyzed on his left side as that was one of the concerns going through the surgeries.

Tonight we played Yahtzee, that was fun for all of us because our day usually consist of appointments, eating, going for a walk around the building (there is literally nothing within walking distance, again missing Portland), sleeping (Jason tires very easily), and for me lots of phone calls and paperwork.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jason's Treatment Schedule

Sorry I was not clear in my post but Jason has chosen to do radiation only. I also want you all to know that we met a lady that was diagnosed with Glioblastoma in January. We met her a couple weeks ago and she lives in Damascus. She has the exact same tumor/cancer as Jason however it was in the back of her head. She had most of it removed and decided to do chemo/radiation treatments. She did 6 chemo treatments and 3 radiation treatments and quit. She felt terrible and the radiation was burning her vocal cords. I have asked Jason to please be honest with what his body is saying to him. Not to second guess anything. Talking to her has been so helpful as she IS going through the same thing. She decided when she quit conventional treatments to use alternative treatments only. Unfortunately, she was already feeling the effects of the chemo/radiation. She started losing her hair and it is still coming out even after stopping treatments. She explained the alternative treatments she has tried, a lot of them are similar to what we are doing. Diet, supplements, Kangen water (she has the machine), she has gone to Chelsea's sanctuary (the light therapy) and continues to have a positive attitude. Guess what - her 3 month MRI showed no signed of a tumor!!!!!!! He story gives us hope and I am so happy Jason has someone that can related to what he is going through. Jason has not met her in person but did talk to on the phone just yesterday!

Here is Jason's Schedule. He was so tired after speech therapy I had to cancel physical therapy. Poor guy - I might have to rethink his schedule. He tires real easy which is to be expected.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2:00 PM Speech Therapy
Clinic (First Floor)

Wednesday, June 06, 2012 4:30 PM Physical Therapy
Clinic (First Floor)

Thursday, June 07, 2012 1:30 PM Occupational Therapy
Clinic (First Floor)

Thursday, June 07, 2012 4:30 PM Physical Therapy
Clinic (First Floor)

Friday, June 08, 2012 4:30 PM Physical Therapy
Clinic (First Floor)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:00 AM Follow-Up
Radiation Oncology (First Floor)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:00 AM Follow-Up
Radiation Oncology (Lower Level)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:30 AM IV Start
Radiology nurse consult to start IV and/or questionaire for test scheduled. Imaging (First Floor)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:00 AM Initial Simulation with Contrast
Radiation Oncology (First Floor)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Sorry I didnt post last night. We were so tired and fell asleep in Jason's dad's room around 9pm. The boys were watching the basketball game and having a good time. I am a litte out numbered *smile*...but it has been great to have Jesse and Gary here to help and keep Jason company. Jason's dad has been betting Jason who is going to win the games. It sounds like they are tied up right now. Jesse bought Jason a steak last night. We have been staying away from red meat for the most part so this was a treat for Jason! Check out the pictures which will be posted on this page as well soon.

On Sunday, Jason was discharged from inpatient and moved to the guest room. He needs help walking as his left side is weak. He is in a wheel chair most of the time but well get up ad walk around with help for a little while. His left side is getting stronger but his left hand has been the most affected. He says that it feels like it is really numb and sometimes feels cold. He has a hard time opening his hand but can close it.

We have met with a naturopathic doctor and a nutrionist that were impressed with the vitamins and care that Jason was already receiving. They agreed with almost all the vitamins we were giving him and just had us take out 2 of them. We also met with an oncologist, and a radiation oncologist. They recommend Tomotherapy for radiation and temodar for chemo.

I have to admit I am a little worried to tell people what Jason has choosen to do as I know everyone has strong opinions about what they think is best. I will tell you that we have had 4 people that work in the medical field tell us they do not recommend chemo as they have seen what it does to people. The doctor here said that chemo and radiation will not cure him, it will at best slow the growth of the tumor down. We were also told that chemo helps the radiation get to the tumor however when we asked how much the response was only a small amount. We will be here for about 7 weeks while Jason is having his treatments.

I started posted all of this information to let friends and family know how Jason was doing and as a way to document what we were going through. I realize that some people may not agree with what we are doing or how we have chosen to spend the donation money. If you do feel like we have made the wrong decisions along the way I want you to know that there is no easy decisions to be made with what we are going through. We have done the best that we can with just being thrown into this. It is not as if we had time to prepare to make such difficult decisions. When the doctor was telling us that there was nothing else they could do for him, that he WAS going to DIE and that we needed to call in hospice we could have given up and let him die. We could have believed that there was no other options for him. We could have started to cry, yell, kick and scream. We could have LISTENED to the crap they were telling us......INSTEAD we did what I am sure most people DO NOT DO which is look for other answers. Try something else, believe that that there IS ANOTHER ANSWER. I am sad, and in fact it breaks my heart, that there are people that disagree with our decisions but I want to remind you that unless you have gone through, and I mean REALLY GONE THROUGH what we are going through and you HAVE THE ANSWERS to what we should do then it is not your place to judge us for our decisions. We are doing the best we can do with what we are faced with, and in fact I think we are doing FANTASTIC. We are fighters and will not give up. I will try ANYTHING if I know that it could saved Jason's life. This is my children's dad and my best friend....I would do anything for him and would stop at nothing to find answers.

I love you all so very much and don't even know how to thank you for all that you have done for us! We are so grateful that we have all of you. Jason often tells me that he is shocked that so many people care enough to reach out and help us. Jason is a giving person, he would do the same for any one of you, as would I. We would give you all a BIG hug if we could.

Just one more comment - the weather here is CRAZY! Apparently, this is tornado season which i am not pleased about. The other night there was a lightening storm that lasted about 4 to 5 hours. Winds were like 35 miles per hour and we could see lightening outside our window every few seconds. I was freaked out. The boys think I am crazy. Not to mention the insane amount of rain, which caused flooding close to where we are. Seriously missing Portland right now. Other then that the weather is nice here, a bit hot for me with no way to escape it. It is nice to go out at night and walk around the building when it has cooled down. We took Jason out the other night to see the fireflies - that was cool. We also saw frogs and bunnies. He really liked that.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Photos at CTCA

Jesse and Jason passed out! 
Superman and Lois Lane getting ready to go fly around:0)

Jason grubbin on his first steak in awhile:0) Go team Wilson!!!!!!!! 
Jay and his dad chillin

Ace ventura pet detective:0) beautiful day in Tulsa lovin my brother-in-law and sister.

Have you told someone you love them today

Have you told someone you love them today or done something for someone else who needed help? If you have not I strongly encourage you to do so. As I walk through the halls of the guest rooms here at the cancer center I read the white boards that are posted outside of each room. These boards are for the guest to write whatever they want. Some have the guest names along with the city and state they are from, some have encouraging words for their loved ones battling cancer and other have bible scriptures. Today, one of them really caught my attention and I stopped to take a picture of it. It reads "When you find yourself thinking only of you and your situation try thinking about others. It is then and only then that you will truly know the love of God" 

Going through this can only be explained as extremely difficult....but I just don't even think those words even come close to what we are really going through. We feel so blessed for all the love that you have shown us and want you all to know that we will be there for you if you ever need us!


Jason is doing amazing considering what he has been through! We thought about posting a picture of him without his helmet but decided against it....he had to have a lot of hair shaved off for the surgery and has staples again. It is incredibly hard to see him go through this and he wants so badly to be done with everything. I read him all of your posts so please keep them coming as it really is encouraging and helps him stay positive.

We are still in the hospital (inpatient) part of the cancer center. Everything is in one building so when he gets discharged he will be moving to our guest room with me and my brother.

The surgeon would have liked to put his skull flap back but it would have taken too long to here and they could have one made but it takes at least 1 day so there was no time. So no, unfortunately they could not. Dr Baird said it would be at least 2 months before they could put it back on. He can start treatment in 10-14 days.

I want to take this time to thank my brother, Jesse, for coming here. A friend of our mom was kind enough to use her miles to get Jesse a ticket here. In addition to that, thank you to my grandma and the kind client of my mom's that gave Jesse money to travel. I want you all to know how much we appreciate Jesse. He has been helping us since we returned from the hospital. Jesse and I have had our sibling drama but he has proved to me more than ever the power of family sticking together. He has helped Jason eat, take vitamins, cooked him food, helped him to the restroom, makes him laugh, take care of our kids, cleaned our house, play with our kids, and allowed me time to sleep. I would never leave the hospital room if it wasn't for Jes! It is so hard to leave but Jason makes me, he says I need my rest too. I guess I better keep listening to him because I need to be my best to help him through this! So THANK YOU Jesse for all that you are doing for us! I don't know what I would do with out you! We love you so much! Thanks for being here for us!!!

I also want to say thank you to my mom, Todd, Rhonda, Kevin, Erin, Greg and all the staff at Makaylin's school!!! You are incredible people and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. Our kids mean everything to us and it is so comforting to know that they are being taken care of in our absence. It makes being this far away so much easier knowing that they are in good hands! I don't know how we could ever repay all of you for all that you have and are doing for us. We love you!

I am still researching like crazy and actually have just received a reply from Michael Vrentas, Member Board of Directors at Independent Cancer Research Foundation regarding Jason. For those of you who are skeptical about alternative treatment, I would recommend you research it first. I have spent hours, possibly days researching and everything that I am reading makes perfect since. Remember knowledge it power. Also, it is Jason's decision on what he wants to do. I cannot make that decision for him, however he is depending on me to research what is available in order to make an informed decision. Jason also truly believes in our body's natural way to heal itself and in alternative treatment.

Consider this: Even when orthodox medicine puts someone into "remission" (meaning it appears that the cancer is gone) They have made the imbalance between the the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer cells even worse. It is almost certain that the cancer will come back! This is called regression.

That does not mean we are not researching conventional treatments as well....but if you take the time to research those you will find that they are not very effective. We also realize we are dealing with a monster right now and we need to do all we can to save his life....and preserve his quality of life at the same time.

Check out these sites he provided!!

The email has some great information - here is just part of it.

I am very sorry to hear about your fiance. The following are my thoughts. I have been researching alternative treatments for cancer and chronic diseases over the past 11 years.

I know when looking through all of the alternative cancer protocols it is absolutely over whelming in figuring out what one needs to do, to get started. I believe the Cellect/Budwig protocol to be very effective in re-balancing the bodies basic chemistry. This in-turn creates an environment in the body for the cancer to die off, as algae dies in a swimming pool when rebalanced. In reading your email in my opinion I believe Cellect/Budwig would be the protocol I would research for the following reasons.

What one is attempting to do in using this protocol is to get back into the body the single elements needed to make the Cells, Hormones, Amino Acids, Proteins, Chromosomes and the Basic Chemistry's of the body correctly. This creates needed nutrition and other reactions. When done properly many times this corrects damage to the DNA which provides the body with full instructions of how to manufacture the Cells, Hormones, Amino Acids and basic chemistry's. In turn the DNA instructions are corrected with the body reading the correct instructions. The body can then produce new cells in mass production. The newly created cells will then have the correct instructions to die off, as they are suppose to and they will then stop multiplying out of control such as in the case of cancer. The bad cells in the body "cancer" then die off as they can no longer survive in this corrected environment. It's not about killing cancer cells with chemo/radiation, as you have seen that doesn't work in most cases, especially in the case of advanced cancers or very aggressive cancers, but changing the environment similar to what one does in re-balancing a swimming pool. I hope this makes some sense as I know it's difficult to understand. That's the reason I created the Cd's and down loadable version. Another issue that can effect one trying to correct the basic chemistry of the body, is how badly one has been damaged from the cancer, chemotherapy and radiation. This can make it very difficult to recover from, but not always impossible.

In your fiance's case as I tell everyone, first you are going for improving his quality of life by putting back into his body what God intended it to have in the first place, which has not been done, along with re-balancing his body, as I talked about above. Once you are doing this then one must pray for the blessing of a remission from God. Only God knows what will happen with each of us.

Friday, June 1, 2012

GB 4000 M.O.P.A

We wanted to thank everyone who has donated to Jason's benefit account. Your donations allowed us to purchase the GB 4000 M.O.P.A - Which has been proven to get through the blood brain barrier and revert the cancer cells to normal cells.

Jason and I went to Chelsea's Sanctuary on Monday and met people who have used this machine. A man was in the room with us, his name was Ace, he was in a wheel chair and had his legs wrapped. We started talking to him and asked him his story. He immediately pulled out pictures. What he showed us was incredibly hard to see. His legs looked like someone had shaved the skin off of them. His skin was so red and inflammed....his feet no longer looked like feet. Instead they looked like a big gray and black mass. You could not see his toes as they had all grown together and were very swollen. Then he showed us pictures of how his legs looked today. It was an incredible difference! Although the pictures were still hard to look at, I could see huge improvement from where he once was. His legs and feet still did not look like ours do but you could see a more defined foot and toes versus a huge mass. We asked him what he had done and he said that 3 days a week he goes to Chelsea's Sanctuary and sits in the light room. He has done that for almost a year. He also stated that he has been able to get off of 22 different medications since he has been using this alternative treatment. Jason and I were very happy to hear his success with the light. We also we shown a picture of man who had brain cancer that had been made to go there by his wife all the way from Idaho. He no longer has cancer! These remarkable stories are what keeps us going along with all of you!

We do not have this machine was ordered for Jason the day we came to Tulsa. Here is some information if you are interested learning more about it. I am currently looking into the Cellect Protocol and we were already doing the Budwig Protocol at home prior to coming here. This information comes from

****Treatment #1: Cellect-Budwig and GB-4000 M.O.P.A.****

Because brain cancer patients should not use any alternative cancer treatment which causes swelling or inflammation, and yet the protocol should be very potent, the strongly recommended protocol for brain cancer is the Cellect-Budwig protocol with the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A.

Electromedicine (e.g. the GB-4000) is required if you can afford it because electromedicine (e.g. frequency generators) can penetrate the skull and get to the cancer cells!! These treatments revert cancer cells into normal cells, thus they do not generate any debris or inflammation in the brain.

This protocol includes the GB-4000 / M.O.P.A., which by itself costs about $4,600. It is by far the most effective replica of Royal Rife's most effective cancer treatment - the plasma device. Today, these devices are commonly called "frequency generators."

The Cellect-Budwig costs about $450 a month.

If you cannot afford both of these items then look at Treatment #2 and Treatment #3 below.

There are two different models of the GB-4000. The more potent model is the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A., which is a plasma device with 97 watts of power. This is an amazing cancer protocol by itself. I do not recommend the GB-4000 with SR-4 for brain cancer because it is too difficult to place the electrodes for brain cancer, however the SR-4 can be used as a Bob Beck device for cancer (see Treatment #3 for details).

A frequency generator is able to revert cancer cells into normal cells by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, thus it does not cause swelling or inflammation. This is the safest possible way to cure cancer. If you don't understand what I just said see this article:
What Causes Cancer

Articles on frequency generators commonly recommend alkaline water as a supplement to electromedicine. The Cellect-Budwig protocol will take care of this issue so alkalized water is not necessary unless you already have the equipment.

The Cellect-Budwig treatment is actually a combination of several synergistic treatments and will not cause any type of swelling or inflammation. The treatment works very quickly and is very effective.

BOTH the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A. and Cellect-Budwig can actually reduce swelling and the Cellect-Budwig can actually help shrink existing tumors!!

The Budwig Protocol is part of the Cellect-Budwig and is also a nutritional protocol which works at the cellular level.

Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Tulsa OK

If anyone wants to send something to Jason please mail it to:

CTCA at Southwestern Regional Medical Center
For Patient Jason L Wilson 
Attn: Nicole Garratt Room #4064
10109 E. 79th Street
Tulsa, OK 74133

Thank you!!!!! ♥♥♥