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Friday, June 1, 2012

GB 4000 M.O.P.A

We wanted to thank everyone who has donated to Jason's benefit account. Your donations allowed us to purchase the GB 4000 M.O.P.A - Which has been proven to get through the blood brain barrier and revert the cancer cells to normal cells.

Jason and I went to Chelsea's Sanctuary on Monday and met people who have used this machine. A man was in the room with us, his name was Ace, he was in a wheel chair and had his legs wrapped. We started talking to him and asked him his story. He immediately pulled out pictures. What he showed us was incredibly hard to see. His legs looked like someone had shaved the skin off of them. His skin was so red and inflammed....his feet no longer looked like feet. Instead they looked like a big gray and black mass. You could not see his toes as they had all grown together and were very swollen. Then he showed us pictures of how his legs looked today. It was an incredible difference! Although the pictures were still hard to look at, I could see huge improvement from where he once was. His legs and feet still did not look like ours do but you could see a more defined foot and toes versus a huge mass. We asked him what he had done and he said that 3 days a week he goes to Chelsea's Sanctuary and sits in the light room. He has done that for almost a year. He also stated that he has been able to get off of 22 different medications since he has been using this alternative treatment. Jason and I were very happy to hear his success with the light. We also we shown a picture of man who had brain cancer that had been made to go there by his wife all the way from Idaho. He no longer has cancer! These remarkable stories are what keeps us going along with all of you!

We do not have this machine was ordered for Jason the day we came to Tulsa. Here is some information if you are interested learning more about it. I am currently looking into the Cellect Protocol and we were already doing the Budwig Protocol at home prior to coming here. This information comes from

****Treatment #1: Cellect-Budwig and GB-4000 M.O.P.A.****

Because brain cancer patients should not use any alternative cancer treatment which causes swelling or inflammation, and yet the protocol should be very potent, the strongly recommended protocol for brain cancer is the Cellect-Budwig protocol with the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A.

Electromedicine (e.g. the GB-4000) is required if you can afford it because electromedicine (e.g. frequency generators) can penetrate the skull and get to the cancer cells!! These treatments revert cancer cells into normal cells, thus they do not generate any debris or inflammation in the brain.

This protocol includes the GB-4000 / M.O.P.A., which by itself costs about $4,600. It is by far the most effective replica of Royal Rife's most effective cancer treatment - the plasma device. Today, these devices are commonly called "frequency generators."

The Cellect-Budwig costs about $450 a month.

If you cannot afford both of these items then look at Treatment #2 and Treatment #3 below.

There are two different models of the GB-4000. The more potent model is the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A., which is a plasma device with 97 watts of power. This is an amazing cancer protocol by itself. I do not recommend the GB-4000 with SR-4 for brain cancer because it is too difficult to place the electrodes for brain cancer, however the SR-4 can be used as a Bob Beck device for cancer (see Treatment #3 for details).

A frequency generator is able to revert cancer cells into normal cells by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, thus it does not cause swelling or inflammation. This is the safest possible way to cure cancer. If you don't understand what I just said see this article:
What Causes Cancer

Articles on frequency generators commonly recommend alkaline water as a supplement to electromedicine. The Cellect-Budwig protocol will take care of this issue so alkalized water is not necessary unless you already have the equipment.

The Cellect-Budwig treatment is actually a combination of several synergistic treatments and will not cause any type of swelling or inflammation. The treatment works very quickly and is very effective.

BOTH the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A. and Cellect-Budwig can actually reduce swelling and the Cellect-Budwig can actually help shrink existing tumors!!

The Budwig Protocol is part of the Cellect-Budwig and is also a nutritional protocol which works at the cellular level.

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