Donte Now

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Sorry I didnt post last night. We were so tired and fell asleep in Jason's dad's room around 9pm. The boys were watching the basketball game and having a good time. I am a litte out numbered *smile*...but it has been great to have Jesse and Gary here to help and keep Jason company. Jason's dad has been betting Jason who is going to win the games. It sounds like they are tied up right now. Jesse bought Jason a steak last night. We have been staying away from red meat for the most part so this was a treat for Jason! Check out the pictures which will be posted on this page as well soon.

On Sunday, Jason was discharged from inpatient and moved to the guest room. He needs help walking as his left side is weak. He is in a wheel chair most of the time but well get up ad walk around with help for a little while. His left side is getting stronger but his left hand has been the most affected. He says that it feels like it is really numb and sometimes feels cold. He has a hard time opening his hand but can close it.

We have met with a naturopathic doctor and a nutrionist that were impressed with the vitamins and care that Jason was already receiving. They agreed with almost all the vitamins we were giving him and just had us take out 2 of them. We also met with an oncologist, and a radiation oncologist. They recommend Tomotherapy for radiation and temodar for chemo.

I have to admit I am a little worried to tell people what Jason has choosen to do as I know everyone has strong opinions about what they think is best. I will tell you that we have had 4 people that work in the medical field tell us they do not recommend chemo as they have seen what it does to people. The doctor here said that chemo and radiation will not cure him, it will at best slow the growth of the tumor down. We were also told that chemo helps the radiation get to the tumor however when we asked how much the response was only a small amount. We will be here for about 7 weeks while Jason is having his treatments.

I started posted all of this information to let friends and family know how Jason was doing and as a way to document what we were going through. I realize that some people may not agree with what we are doing or how we have chosen to spend the donation money. If you do feel like we have made the wrong decisions along the way I want you to know that there is no easy decisions to be made with what we are going through. We have done the best that we can with just being thrown into this. It is not as if we had time to prepare to make such difficult decisions. When the doctor was telling us that there was nothing else they could do for him, that he WAS going to DIE and that we needed to call in hospice we could have given up and let him die. We could have believed that there was no other options for him. We could have started to cry, yell, kick and scream. We could have LISTENED to the crap they were telling us......INSTEAD we did what I am sure most people DO NOT DO which is look for other answers. Try something else, believe that that there IS ANOTHER ANSWER. I am sad, and in fact it breaks my heart, that there are people that disagree with our decisions but I want to remind you that unless you have gone through, and I mean REALLY GONE THROUGH what we are going through and you HAVE THE ANSWERS to what we should do then it is not your place to judge us for our decisions. We are doing the best we can do with what we are faced with, and in fact I think we are doing FANTASTIC. We are fighters and will not give up. I will try ANYTHING if I know that it could saved Jason's life. This is my children's dad and my best friend....I would do anything for him and would stop at nothing to find answers.

I love you all so very much and don't even know how to thank you for all that you have done for us! We are so grateful that we have all of you. Jason often tells me that he is shocked that so many people care enough to reach out and help us. Jason is a giving person, he would do the same for any one of you, as would I. We would give you all a BIG hug if we could.

Just one more comment - the weather here is CRAZY! Apparently, this is tornado season which i am not pleased about. The other night there was a lightening storm that lasted about 4 to 5 hours. Winds were like 35 miles per hour and we could see lightening outside our window every few seconds. I was freaked out. The boys think I am crazy. Not to mention the insane amount of rain, which caused flooding close to where we are. Seriously missing Portland right now. Other then that the weather is nice here, a bit hot for me with no way to escape it. It is nice to go out at night and walk around the building when it has cooled down. We took Jason out the other night to see the fireflies - that was cool. We also saw frogs and bunnies. He really liked that.

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