Donte Now

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Jason is doing amazing considering what he has been through! We thought about posting a picture of him without his helmet but decided against it....he had to have a lot of hair shaved off for the surgery and has staples again. It is incredibly hard to see him go through this and he wants so badly to be done with everything. I read him all of your posts so please keep them coming as it really is encouraging and helps him stay positive.

We are still in the hospital (inpatient) part of the cancer center. Everything is in one building so when he gets discharged he will be moving to our guest room with me and my brother.

The surgeon would have liked to put his skull flap back but it would have taken too long to here and they could have one made but it takes at least 1 day so there was no time. So no, unfortunately they could not. Dr Baird said it would be at least 2 months before they could put it back on. He can start treatment in 10-14 days.

I want to take this time to thank my brother, Jesse, for coming here. A friend of our mom was kind enough to use her miles to get Jesse a ticket here. In addition to that, thank you to my grandma and the kind client of my mom's that gave Jesse money to travel. I want you all to know how much we appreciate Jesse. He has been helping us since we returned from the hospital. Jesse and I have had our sibling drama but he has proved to me more than ever the power of family sticking together. He has helped Jason eat, take vitamins, cooked him food, helped him to the restroom, makes him laugh, take care of our kids, cleaned our house, play with our kids, and allowed me time to sleep. I would never leave the hospital room if it wasn't for Jes! It is so hard to leave but Jason makes me, he says I need my rest too. I guess I better keep listening to him because I need to be my best to help him through this! So THANK YOU Jesse for all that you are doing for us! I don't know what I would do with out you! We love you so much! Thanks for being here for us!!!

I also want to say thank you to my mom, Todd, Rhonda, Kevin, Erin, Greg and all the staff at Makaylin's school!!! You are incredible people and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. Our kids mean everything to us and it is so comforting to know that they are being taken care of in our absence. It makes being this far away so much easier knowing that they are in good hands! I don't know how we could ever repay all of you for all that you have and are doing for us. We love you!

I am still researching like crazy and actually have just received a reply from Michael Vrentas, Member Board of Directors at Independent Cancer Research Foundation regarding Jason. For those of you who are skeptical about alternative treatment, I would recommend you research it first. I have spent hours, possibly days researching and everything that I am reading makes perfect since. Remember knowledge it power. Also, it is Jason's decision on what he wants to do. I cannot make that decision for him, however he is depending on me to research what is available in order to make an informed decision. Jason also truly believes in our body's natural way to heal itself and in alternative treatment.

Consider this: Even when orthodox medicine puts someone into "remission" (meaning it appears that the cancer is gone) They have made the imbalance between the the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer cells even worse. It is almost certain that the cancer will come back! This is called regression.

That does not mean we are not researching conventional treatments as well....but if you take the time to research those you will find that they are not very effective. We also realize we are dealing with a monster right now and we need to do all we can to save his life....and preserve his quality of life at the same time.

Check out these sites he provided!!

The email has some great information - here is just part of it.

I am very sorry to hear about your fiance. The following are my thoughts. I have been researching alternative treatments for cancer and chronic diseases over the past 11 years.

I know when looking through all of the alternative cancer protocols it is absolutely over whelming in figuring out what one needs to do, to get started. I believe the Cellect/Budwig protocol to be very effective in re-balancing the bodies basic chemistry. This in-turn creates an environment in the body for the cancer to die off, as algae dies in a swimming pool when rebalanced. In reading your email in my opinion I believe Cellect/Budwig would be the protocol I would research for the following reasons.

What one is attempting to do in using this protocol is to get back into the body the single elements needed to make the Cells, Hormones, Amino Acids, Proteins, Chromosomes and the Basic Chemistry's of the body correctly. This creates needed nutrition and other reactions. When done properly many times this corrects damage to the DNA which provides the body with full instructions of how to manufacture the Cells, Hormones, Amino Acids and basic chemistry's. In turn the DNA instructions are corrected with the body reading the correct instructions. The body can then produce new cells in mass production. The newly created cells will then have the correct instructions to die off, as they are suppose to and they will then stop multiplying out of control such as in the case of cancer. The bad cells in the body "cancer" then die off as they can no longer survive in this corrected environment. It's not about killing cancer cells with chemo/radiation, as you have seen that doesn't work in most cases, especially in the case of advanced cancers or very aggressive cancers, but changing the environment similar to what one does in re-balancing a swimming pool. I hope this makes some sense as I know it's difficult to understand. That's the reason I created the Cd's and down loadable version. Another issue that can effect one trying to correct the basic chemistry of the body, is how badly one has been damaged from the cancer, chemotherapy and radiation. This can make it very difficult to recover from, but not always impossible.

In your fiance's case as I tell everyone, first you are going for improving his quality of life by putting back into his body what God intended it to have in the first place, which has not been done, along with re-balancing his body, as I talked about above. Once you are doing this then one must pray for the blessing of a remission from God. Only God knows what will happen with each of us.

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