Donte Now

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Have you told someone you love them today

Have you told someone you love them today or done something for someone else who needed help? If you have not I strongly encourage you to do so. As I walk through the halls of the guest rooms here at the cancer center I read the white boards that are posted outside of each room. These boards are for the guest to write whatever they want. Some have the guest names along with the city and state they are from, some have encouraging words for their loved ones battling cancer and other have bible scriptures. Today, one of them really caught my attention and I stopped to take a picture of it. It reads "When you find yourself thinking only of you and your situation try thinking about others. It is then and only then that you will truly know the love of God" 

Going through this can only be explained as extremely difficult....but I just don't even think those words even come close to what we are really going through. We feel so blessed for all the love that you have shown us and want you all to know that we will be there for you if you ever need us!

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