Donte Now

Friday, July 13, 2012


Last night was very hard.....Jason had a fever of 101, the chills, increased weakness and headaches. It was just me and Makaylin here and I was being faced with the decision to take him to the ER. In May, before his last surgery, these were some of the symptoms he was experiencing. It scared me so much I was crying to my brother on the phone. I asked Jason what he wanted me to do....he just said "what are they going to do at the ER" my response "I don't know" Really all they can do at this point is another MRI. 

Radiation can cause inflammation and swelling so getting an MRI right now may not give us an accurate picture of what his tumor is doing. In fact, radiation can cause the tumor to get mad (for lack of a better word) and things can actually get worse before getting better.....**tears**

I decided to do the only things I could....cold washcloth on his forehead and 2 fever reducer Tylenol. Over the next couple hours I changed and changed that washcloth. His fever did eventually go down, the chills went away (in fact he started to get really hot). Makaylin and I slept on the couch with Jason. This is the only place Jason is comfortable sleeping because he is not comfortable laying down, he sits up on the couch and sleeps.

Today he continues to be extremely tired. He chose not to go to his radiation appointment today. I called all of his current doctors, his PCP, his Radiation Oncologist and his surgeon in Tulsa Oklahoma (on his cell phone by the way). They all agreed that we should take him to the ER if things continued the way they were. At this time he seems to be improving. I am still scared as heck.

I want nothing more than Jason to get better….why does it have to be so damn hard? Hasn’t he been through enough? Doesn’t God know how badly we all still need him here on Earth? Please tell me that He is listening to all of our prayers….

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