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Saturday, July 21, 2012

7/20/12 - MRI UPDATE

We were able to view the MRI today with one of the resident radiologists and I also reviewed the report that was written (I am not sure who writes it though). It was a paper document. There was a lot of stuff I didn't understand but basically it was saying that there was possibly some residual tumor but that it was very very small. I also recieved a call from Jason's PCP tonight. He left a message regarding the final results of the MRI. He basically said the same thing in his message as the resident doctor said, so I suppose that at least it is good that we are getting the same information. It sounds like sometimes it is hard to tell 100% that something is or is not a tumor when it is really small like it is. Here is the great matter what is still there it has not grown!!!! That is amazing news!!! We will continue to figt hard to get rid of it!!!

There are several fundraisers that our amazing friends have going on right now for us! Please now how much we appreciate all of you and all that you have done for us! Here is a recap of what is going on:

DECALS & MONKEY FISTS - Through July 31 you can purchase a decal like the one pictured below. You can also order a monkey fist keychain. Casey Sallee will be donating a portion of all Proceeds to Jason Wilsons Benefit Fund. To place your order call 503-396-6927 or email

24 HOUR FITNESS & LINK THE PINK - Event is this Monday July 23 from 2-7pm at 800 S.E. Tech Center Drive, Vancouver, Washington 98684. Links can be purchased and funds will benefit Jason! It sounds like there will be other things going on to help other poeple battling cancer!

PARTYLITE - 50% of your purchase will be donated to Jason! Go to to view the 3 products and 10 fragrances available for this fundraiser, then call Dena with your order 503-654-4924 it is that easy! Fundraiser runs through July 30th. Checks or cash only. Online ordering is not available for fundraiser.

QUILT - For every $10 donated at you will be entered to win an amazing quilt made by Jason's aunt! A picture of the quilt is available at the above website. Drawing will be held in August!

Thank you to everyone who is helped us! We are so grateful for you all!

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