Donte Now

Monday, July 16, 2012


After a couple of rough days last week Jason is doing a lot better!!! We even went out to Rainier on Saturday to spend time with his family for his Uncle's 70th birthday and go with them to Rainier Days which is a fair and firework show! Jason had a great time spending time with his family and we were so happy that we were able to go. The firework show was amazing!! Check out the pictures that Suzanne posted of her and Jason on the We Love Jason page!! Thank you to all of Jason's family for having us over and making that a great day to remember!!

Jason has started to lose his hair from radiation and also he has extremely dry skin on the right side. He said that before he started radiation that if he started to lose his hair he was going to quit treatments. He is finding it hard to make that decision now that losing his hair has become a reality. It is hard to know whether the radiation is causing more harm than good or more good than harm. We struggle with knowing what the right thing to do is all the time. As of right now he has completed 12 treatments leaving 21 left. Not even half way and already seeing the negative side effects is very hard for him, and for me. We are hoping that he can get an MRI soon and maybe that will help him decide whether to continue or not. 

We have the most amazing people in our lives, I will not be able to tell you all enough time how grateful we are and how blessed we are to have you all in our lives! Thank you for your continued love and support! We would not have been able to get through the last 3 months without all of your help and donations to our family! Our only income has been Jason's disability which is enough to cover our first mortgage only. Your generosity is heartwarming and we love you all so much!

Here are some amazing things that our friends are currently doing for us to help raise money and awareness about our situation. Please help out if you can....we appreciate it very much!

BOWLING FUNDRAISER ORGANIZED BY Katrina Schalz Mascher - Here is her post "I am working on a couple of fundraisers to help out with the extra costs. Please put your heads together if you know of anyone who would like to donate gifts, gift cards, gift baskets etc. I need these items for a bowling fundraiser that is scheduled for September 29th and any contributions would be greatly appreciated. Please call me, text me, facebook me if you can help! I really could use the help so I can make this an amazing fundraiser event. Watch for more details on the bowling extravaganza event! I will post the details and have flyers available shortly if anyone wants any."
Please email her at or FB message her at 

PARTYLITE FUNDRASIER ORGANIZED BY DENA THORBURN - 50% of your purchase will be donated to Jason! Go to to view the 3 products and 10 fragrances available for this fundraiser, then call Dena with your order 503-654-4924 it is that easy! Fundraiser runs through July 30th. Checks or cash only. Online ordering is not available for fundraiser.

Thank you!!!

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