Donte Now

Sunday, July 29, 2012


We are still working on scheduling his next surgery. Looking forward to having it behind us. Jason is doing good. Still really tired and sleeps most of the day. 11 treatments to go. Went to the doctors today for a follow up. I got another paper copy of his MRI. It is all so very confusing. I have requested the the MRI images be sent by FedEx to Dr Baird for review. He should have them on Tuesday. 

If you can please take the time to help out with one of these fundraisers. Our family and friends have spent a lot of time and effort putting these together and we could really use the help! The money raised will continue to go to Jason to pay for his alternative treatments not covered by our insurance. We also have a ton of medical bills but our first concern is getting Jason better.

***VOLUNTEERS NEEDED @ Centenial High School in Gresham - JULY 28th and 29th LINK THE PINK/RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT***
There will be a booth during this entire event Saturday at 10 am through Sunday July 29th 10pm. I am hoping that others will be able to come down and man the booth for Jason. The longer we have someone there the more links we will sell which means more donations for Jason's cause!
We will be selling gray links starting at $1.00 each. If you would like to volunteer your time then please contact Katrina Mascher (360) 241-0635 or

Through this Saturday only. 50% of your purchase will be donated to Jason! Go to to view the 3 products and 10 fragrances available for this fundraiser, then call Dena with your order 503-654-4924 it is that easy! Checks or cash only. Online ordering is not available for fundraiser.

You can purchase a $5 decal that says "My Friend Battles Brain Cancer" Or it can say "My neighbor" or "My nephew" or "My Cousin" or whatever you want it to say. You can also purchase a brain cancer awareness ribbon decal for $2.50. A portion of all Proceeds will go to Jason Wilsons Benefit Fund. To place your order call Casey Sallee 503-396-6927 or email You can also order a monkey fist keychain. 

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