Donte Now

Friday, July 27, 2012


Jason has completed 21 of 33 radiation treatments. He is so tired and has lost some hair but is still as handsome as ever! I return to work next Tuesday...*tear* I also am in the process of scheduling his next surgery in Tulsa.

I wanted to explain the reason for all the sites. I am not sure if any of you have been wondering but in case you have here is an explaination =) 

The We Love Jason Facebook page is a great way to share Jason's story with friends and family however some of our friends and family are not on FB so we also have the Caring Bridge We Love Jason page as well. 

In addition, there is the page...this is the site that we share with everyone and is the site that is printed on the wristbands. This is the easiest way for those not on FB or caring bridge already to see the updates. We have met a lot of people through out this process and have shared that website with them. It also is a way for people to donate and we appreciate everyone that has donated to helping Jason fight cancer!

I recently have been searching FB looking for glioblastoma survivors and came across a few pages that were very helpful to me. So that made me think that there must be others that are searching for the same thing I am! So I created another page called Glioblastoma Fighter on FB which will allow people who are searching for answers as I am to find our page and ask us questions as I am doing on other people's pages. We are really hoping that we can connect with other people sharing the same experiences and be able to help them as well!

I update the same thing on all of these pages so you do not need to go to ALL of them as they all have the same information...the only thing that you may be interested in is seeing other people's responses like on the new Glioblastoma Fighter page.

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