Donte Now

Sunday, July 29, 2012


It has been 3 months since Jason was diagnosed. Time seems to have gone by fast and slow at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. The radiation has been very hard on Jason and he has decided that he does not want to continue treatments any longer. When we went to the doctor the other day, he asked us if Jason had been hit or if anything had happened to him because there was a small amount of blood in his ear. The blood was dry. Nothing (thankfully) has happened to him. Could this be from the radiation? I don't know, but it certainly couldn't have been from anything else that I can think of.

We have been faced with so many tough decisions and this one is not any easier. Although, we do know that the best decision is what Jason feels is the right thing to do. Only he knows exactly how he is feeling and has learned through this experience to listen to what his body is telling him.

We said a prayer yesterday for God to help us make a decision and for all of the alternative treatments we are doing to help him.

This is a picture of Jason with his mask on for radiation. I wasn't even sure that I should post this picture but I want our friends and family to really have a good understanding of what he has been going through. This has been really hard on him both mentally and physically. He said he didn't think that radiation was going to be as hard as it has been on him.

Jason is so important to me....It is hard for me to watch him go through this. I wish I could do more.....I wish I knew more answers. I love him so much ♥

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